Blender Eevee Cel Shade Material
Sample usage of the material. Inverted hull was used for the lines.
How To Use
- Append to your file via File > Append, look for this .blend file, look for Materials then add the cel_shade material.
- If you don't use nodes, use the cel_shade_material node, if not, make a copy of the cel_shade material.
- EEVEE ONLY! Requires Blender 2.81+
- Make sure to set Scene Settings > Color Management, View Transform to "Standard", not "Filmic"
- Shading shape depends on World's and Lights' Color/Strength, Rim Light depends on the object's camera based normals.
- Does not react to lights' colors.
Base Color: You can use an RGB color or image texture.
Shadow Color: Mixed on top of the Base Color using Multiply. You can use an image texture as well.
Shading Intensity: How much of the shadow color is applied to the base color
Shading Size: Threshold for cel shadows
Highlight Color: Mixed on top of the result of Base+Shadows using Add. You can use an image texture as well.
Highlight Inensity: How much of the highlight color is applied to the the result of Base+Shadows.
Highlight Size: Threshold for cel highlights.
Rim Light Color: Mixed on top of the Base Color and Shadow Color using Screen
Rim Light Intensity: How much of the rim light color is applied to the base color. Based on the object's camera space normals, not lights.
Rim Light Size: Size of the rim light
Rim Light Angle: Angle of the Rim Light. Use X and Y to adjust.
Normal: Allows you to add a normal map
Emission: Plug this to the Surface input socket of a Material Output node.
Shadow Mask: Outputs a black and white mask for shadows. (White = shaded, Black = no shade) Useful if you want to do highlights differently and you want to control what color they are.
One .blend file containing the material